Thursday, July 23, 2009

Detox with Lemon and Maple Syrup

The lemon juice cleanse (a detox with lemon juice and maple syrup diet) can vary quite a lot depending which fasting diet juice cleansing detox recipe is used. One thing that does have to be strictly adhered to, is to take great care and to get the proper ingredients.

When you feel the need to cleanse your body of toxins, the lemon cleanse is simple and easy to use and doesn't require a lot of ingredients.

Lemons have been used for many years because of their medicinal quality. Due to the acidity which is found in lemon juice, it has an alkalizing effect on ones body with the lemon juice cleanse.

This detox with lemon juice and maple syrup helps to break down the mucus and body fats. This juice also contains a substantial amount of vitamin c and antioxidants, which in today's normal diet is found to be lacking. It is always best to try to buy good quality fresh lemons as these are the most important ingredient in this fasting diet juice cleansing detox.

With the lemon juice cleanse cayenne pepper is added to the lemon juice, the reason being is Cayenne pepper is a metabolizing agent that assists the juice from the lemon to create a cleansing effect within the body. Another added bonus with the detox with lemon juice and maple syrup diet is it also helps dissolve the build up of mucus.

One major effect on the body using the lemon and Cayenne pepper together is that it raises the body temperature and therefore stimulates the circulation, which helps increase the blood flow to the remote areas of the body. This is an important part of the lemon cleansing process.

Water is an important ingredient of this cleansing process as it helps rid the body of all the toxins and at the same time helps to keep the body hydrated.

The last ingredient is maple syrup which needs to be of good quality; a medium class syrup is probably the best. While doing your lemon juice cleanse, it is the syrup that helps provide the body with energy.

The syrup is rich in minerals, therefore makes it an easily digestible carbohydrate. One of the most important things to remember while doing any detox is to make sure that you drink a few liters of water a day so that the body does not dehydrate.

The lemon juice cleanse is not a bitter drink to the taste, in fact, it is a refreshing drink. But the reward at the end of the day is to know you have cleansed your body of harmful toxins with the detox with lemon juice and maple syrup diet. We take care of our body on the outside so why not cleanse from the inside with a fasting diet juice cleansing detox .

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Detox drinks

Detox drinks are used to rejuvenate the body's natural detoxification process. The liver processes toxins and chemicals that enter the blood stream through our digestive tract due to diets that include fatty foods, over-eating, processed foods, sugars and chemically treated meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables. Combined with the thousands of toxins and chemicals we consume on a daily basis through the air that we breathe, illness, disease, alcohol, tobacco, illegal and pharmaceutical drugs, the body's natural detoxification will eventually begin to struggle or become sluggish.

This requires the use of detox drinks or teas in the role of a detox diet and cleansing process. A slow detoxification process is often linked to weight gain and some studies have suggested that the human body can withhold anywhere from five to ten pounds of extra weight in toxin buildup alone. These drinks are often used in weight loss management programs with some promising up to four to six pounds of weight loss.

Detox drinks are most commonly linked to being a quick remedy in ridding the body of drug/alcohol traces in the event of a drug test. When the hippie culture of the 1960's led way to the decadence of the 1970's bringing upon the "War On Drugs" of the 1980's - drug testing became more prominent in the late 80's for employment screening and background checks. Drug test classes were established decades ago, and include five specific drug groups, Cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish), Cocaine (cocaine, benzoylecognine, cocaethylene), Amphetamines (amphetamine, methamphetamine), Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine) and Phencyclidine (PCP). The current testing does not account for highly abused drugs in today's society, for instance, 'synthetic opiates', such as oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone and hydromorphone.

Drug "tests" are divided into two general groups. The first group is perhaps the most common and involves the donor giving a sample of some bodily fluid or hair to an employer, doctor, law enforcment official or a dedicated testing center. This is normally a sample of urine, blood, hair or saliva/oral fluid. The samples are collected and shipped to a laboratory in a tamper-evident seal for analysis. On-site testing became more popular when it was realized that off-site methods without supervision promoted sample adulteration or subsitution. On-site screens, such as oral or saliva tests, are done with inexpensive kits and allow for results within minutes.

The testing necessitated a very strong market for detox drinks all of which promote very fast results in emergency situations. Detox drinks are readily advertised and made available on the Internet and in drug-culture magazines. Their high demand justifies a pricey $25-$60 per bottle price range. Detox drinks typically come in the form of tea or juices in a variety of flavors. There is a focus on the user's body mass proportions with different detox drink selections available depending on the individual's height/weight.

Marketers advertise that detox drinks will cleanse the body of all unwanted toxins including the hair, blood and urine to ensure clean test results and peace of mind. Many claim to be FDA approved, full of nutrients and vitamins that promote health, well being, increased energy levels and clearer focus. It is not uncommon for detox drinks to include vitamins like vitamin C, Thiamin (vitamin B1), Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and Cyanacobalamin (vitamin B12) and blends of Creatine Monohidrate, Guarana Seed Extract, Echinacea Purpureal Leaf Extract, Goldenseal and Milk Thistle, all of which assists the body in removing unwanted toxins and pollutants quickly from the urinary tract and bloodstream to increase the likelihood of passing a drug test.

credits : Healthy detox tips

Herbal Detox

ouchh... it's a while since my last update... :(
due to my sick.. i'm sorry.. but then.. I'm back now... hehe

This is some tips on why we should use Herbal Detox

Many people from years past gave themselves an herbal detox in the spring time of the year. It was a tradition and a custom in many communities across the country. As we know by now a body needs to be cleansed on the inside just as well as the outside. Except for smell and looks, an inside cleansing of the body may be a slight more important.

Getting the body cleansed on the inside dictates how you feel and how much you accomplish during the day. If you have a healthy body you are much more apt to reach your goals and objectives each day. However, if your body is not functioning properly you can easily find yourself in a state of depression and you don't know why.

Some times it is as simple as taking an herbal detox to make yourself feel good again and to put you in a better disposition. It seems that once you have been cleansed on the inside, your whole demeanor changes. Some believe that taking herbs to clean the body on the inside is the best approach. Your body was designed to utilize natural products and will be better able to eliminate them.

On the other hand many drugs and chemical products that we take are hard to on the body. There are different herbs recommended to clean different parts of the body. Among the herbs used to detox are red beet, liverwort, birch leaves, chamomile, sage, parsley, uva ursi, ginger, goldenseal and the list goes on and on. According to folk medicine it is better to use herbs to cleanse the body because herbs are made naturally.

Today we know that detoxification comes in many forms. When we think of cleansing the body we are referring to cleansing the bowels, kidneys, lungs, the liver and the blood. Nevertheless, each herb is different so far as their usefulness in cleaning certain areas of the body. In other words there is no "one herb does it all" kind of treatment.

Therefore, if you are looking for an herb to clean a certain area of your body read the information you may find on the package to see if it will clean the area you have in mind. When you revitalize your body by what ever means you choose you are making an effort to return your body to normalcy.

Certain conditions you may have such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol may negate for you the use of certain herbs. Therefore, before you do an herbal detox make sure you know something about the herb or herbs you intend to use. Some of these herbs may raise your blood sugar and on the other hand some of these herbs are capable of raising your high blood pressure. Each one of these herbs has its intended purpose and must be used in accordance. Many people especially those who live in rural areas believe that the use of herbs is the only way to detox.

An herbal detox done periodically may be of immense value to your health. A one time cleansing will not last for forever so you will need to stay on top of things if you want to keep your system clean.

credits : Healthy detox tips